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Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun! - GBC

Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun! - GBC

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* Cartridge Only includes just the cartridge. *

Bob the Builder: Fix It Fun! for the Nintendo Game Boy Color is an adventure/puzzle genre game based on the popular children's animated series. The game allows players to step into the shoes of Bob and his team as they take on various construction and repair missions. The gameplay is designed to be kid-friendly, featuring simple problem-solving tasks, and basic controls suitable mainly for younger audiences. As Bob, players must fix things, collect items, and use different machinery to complete levels, all while fostering a sense of accomplishment through constructive play.

More Info

Platform: Nintendo Gameboy Color
Release Date: August 31, 2001
Genre: Adventure
ESRB Rating: E
Developer: Tiertex Design Studios
Publisher: THQ
Gameplay Mechanics: puzzle-solving, platforming
Visual Style: 2D, cartoonish
Controller: standard
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: No
Local Multiplayer: undefined Players
Online Multiplayer: undefined Players

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